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Lushan Mountain Culture Research
2008-03-28 16:41  
Lushan Mountain Culture Research

The school assumes that human thoughts cultivation is the very element of education, therefore full utilization of local culture resources and concentration of research directions become the main feature of the school. Resent years various researches on Lushan Mountain, such as history, tourism, religion, architecture, arts, was deployed, and achieved 6 provincial research tasks, over 10 monograph publications. Two columns about Tao Yuanming research and Poyang Lake-Lushan Mountain culture research on Jiujiang University Journal draw wide attention and deep impression.

The Lushan Mountain Culture Research Center of Jiujiang University will become the center about Lushan Mountain culture research on talent training, learning communication, and data exchange.

   文化传播学院坚持以涵养人文精神,培育人文素质为办学的基础,依托丰厚的地方文化资源,凝炼学科研究的方向,已成为文化传播学院学科建设和科学研究的一个主要特色。近年来围绕庐山的历史文化、宗教、旅游、建筑、艺术等方面展开研究,已获得省级课题6项,出版专著10余部。在九江学院学报开设“陶渊明研究”和“鄱阳湖  庐山文化研究”两个专栏,产生了广泛的影响。


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