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Cooperation and Training
2008-03-29 16:43  
Cooperation and Training

The school of culture communication undertakes vast cooperation with other organizations against the advantage of abundant local culture resources and human resources. (1) Traditional learning seminar of Bailu Academy(2) Bailu Lectures on Jiujiang TV(3) Training on certification of secretary(4) Immaterial culture relic protection with Jiujiang Culture Bureau.

文化传播学院依托丰富的地域文化和人才优势,全方位的开展了各种类型的合作培训。一、与庐山白鹿洞书院合作,举办白鹿洞书院国学讲习班。二、与九江电视台合作举办“白鹿讲坛” 等专题学术讲座。三、举办每年一度的全国秘书资格和公关员资格培训。四、与九江文化局合作开展对国家非物质文化遗产的保护和研究工作。

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